Monday, June 8, 2009

Recession? Smession...

I'm wallowing in my own self pity.
And at 21 years of age, that's pretty damn sad.

I have everything going for me, but is that enough for a egotistic child of the 90's who was given everything she wanted by her parents- and now if they dont give it o her, she goes straight for the banks. BAD MOVE

I live in a recession-free country, Australia. How is it that even without having a recession, thousands of people are losing their jobs, businesses are cutting back on EVERYTHING and our dollar, along with every other countries, has fallen. Oh, and dont forget the fact that supperannuation is down enormously, and interest rates are the lowest they have been since before I was born.

So I'm newly single, live at home with my parents, have my own bills to pay and job, that although I hate- pays for my binge drinking and for those bills that give me the latest technology.

Yet, I have a degree from University that I am yet to put into practice. Why? Because there are no jobs in Australia. Or anywhere.

I agree, Obama, there is time for change. At least if we admit to a recession Mr Rudd, we might catch up with how the 20 million Aussies are feeling right now.

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